email: dlinville@linvillelawfirm.com
This is a picture of me running the Big Sur marathon in California. That was the first and the last marathon that I ever participate in. I now have a deep appreciation for long distance runners. I trained three times per week for six months prior to the marathon. Although the training was difficult, I enjoyed the challenge of working towards a goal and reaching it. I actually fought back tears as I crossed the finish line that day. The picture on the right shows me just a few years from the finish line. I was cramping in my legs pretty bad at that point. If you haven't ever participated in an organized race before, I highly recommend it. One that I have participated in several times in the past is the Seattle Torchlight Run, held downtown during the last week of every June.
This is a picture of me exiting the water after a session windsurfing on the Columbia River, a/k/a "the Gorge". My dad got me and my brother into windsurfing at a young age. I have very fond memories of family trips to the Gorge during the summers. It's quite the adrenaline rush to zip across the river and do jumps in the air. The sail acts as a sort of parachute on the jumps, which gives you extra hang time. We like windsurfing so much, we have recently been considering opening a satellite office on the Washington/Oregon border and then taking turns manning the office. We'll keep you posted.
This is a picture of me climbing on a rock in Basel, Switzerland. That summer I spent several weeks traveling around Germany and Switzerland, meeting up with friends who I had met the previous summer while traveling in Mexico and Guatemala. Traveling is a nice diversion from the practice of law. I am fortunate to practice in a law firm that encourages the lawyers to get out and have a life outside of work. This philosophy keeps our law practice vibrant. It has also extended our practice in ways I did not anticipate. The Spanish that I have learned in recent years has improved to the point where I can converse with clients. I now have a handful of Hispanic clients who prefer to speak in Spanish.
My younger brother (Christian) and I have been golfing together for as long as I can remember. We had barely learned to walk when my Dad started taking us to the driving range to practice. For all the golf I've played in life, I really should be better than I actually am. But that's okay. I've learned a lot about patience and perseverance through the game. I have good memories of playing for the high school golf team and even qualifying for the state tournament my senior year.
If I'm not at my desk at work, I'm probably at home with my two children, Adam and Mia. Parenting is turning out to be more challenging (and rewarding) than I anticipated. If someday young Mia and Adam choose law as a career path, they'll be able to say that they are the third generation lawyers in the Linville family. No pressure kids!